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Basketball Shot Arc Apex & Distance of Arc Apex Calculator


Shot Release Height

Ball Shot angle

Basket Distance

Eye Ht after Shot (optional)

Eye-Basket Distance after shot (optional)

Basket-Wall Distance (optional)

Ceiling Ht (optional)

Shot Arc Apex

Distance of Apex
Run Program

Eye Ht - Apex Angle

Eye-apex line Intersection w/ Background Wall or Ceiling

Directions. Input-- The inputs are by default filled with example values to give you an idea of how the program runs. 'Shot Release Height': the height at which the hand releases the ball on the shot, in feet. 'Ball Shot Angle ': the angle at which the ball will have to travel from the hand, if the ball is to reach the basket (90 degrees = straight up, 0 degrees = straight ahead, parallel to the floor). 'Basket Distance': the distance in feet, from the spot on the floor directly underneath the shot-release point, to the spot on the floor directly underneath the basket. 'Eye Ht after shot (optional)': the height in feet, of the eyes at the time the apex of the shot is visually noted. 'Eye-Basket Distance after shot (optional) ': the distance in feet, from the spot on the floor directly underneath the eyes at the time the apex of the shot is visually noted, to the spot on the floor directly underneath the basket. 'Basket-Wall Distance (optional)': the distance in feet, from the spot on the floor directly underneath the basket, to the spot on the floor directly behind the basket, where the wall behind the basket and the floor intersect. 'Ceiling Ht (optional) ': the height, in feet, of the ceiling in the gym, at the point where the wall behind the basket intersects with the ceiling. Output-- The Output shows what the shot angle and the distance from shot-release of the ball apex in flight will have to be, if the conditions specified in the input exist. 'Shot Arc Apex ': the apex of the arc of the ball in flight, in feet. 'Distance of Apex': the distance in feet, from the point on the floor beneath the shot-release point, to the point on the floor beneath where the ball will reach its apex. 'Eye Ht -Apex Angle': the upwards angle in degrees, of the straight line connecting the eyes to the ball at its apex. 'Eye-apex line Intersection w/ Background Wall or Ceiling ': the height, in feet, of the spot on the wall behind the basket, which intersects with the line running from the eyes to the ball at the time the ball reaches its apex. If this spot is so high that it would be above the ceiling, the answer returned is 'C -' plus a number. The number after the C - shows, in feet, how far in from the ceiling/wall-behind-basket edge, the spot on the ceiling that is on the line connecting the eyes to the ball at the time the ball reaches its apex is. 'Run Program'--Runs the program. 'Reset': restores initial values to input and output fields.

@2010 David Virgil Hobbs